Me: Sarah S.

Position: Blog Writer

My First Rescue Experience:


I have currently saved three kittens myself. 

Although I didn't save my kittens from a high kill shelter or even from a shelter at all, I still feel I made a difference.

Before I started school I was a nanny. The people I babysat for had a cat who was pregnant. They did not want these kittens and so I told them I would take them. When the time came I finally did.

A Note From The Author:

These dogs deserve to have there voice's heard. I write in a unique way to make it look as if they are writing the letter themselves. I try to put as much of there personality I can in these letters. I want you to be able to look through these dogs eyes, and want to make a difference in there lives. I want you to look at these dogs,  read there stories and say

"you are so worth the love and devotion. 
You are worth the chance." 

I believe every dog is special and just needs someone to love. These women who work with these dogs are so special. They have so much love in their hearts and want to make a difference. It wasn't a easy process for them but they have made a difference and I couldn't be more proud! Which is why I made this blog **hint hint** and also I want to feel I am helping in some way even if I can't foster anymore animals myself.