Julie S.

Position: Co-founder and President

My Background:

I have a wonderful husband named Kevin. He has supported me while fostering all of the dogs we have taken in. I have three children, Anthony who is 25, Sarah who write this blog and she is 20 and my youngest Chase and he's 19. My life so far has been very blessed.

Why I Decided On Rescuing:

I started this journey because I saw up close how dogs are thrown away in this society. And without a voice they die for the sole reason: no one loved them. 
I have made it my mission to give the homeless, healthy, non aggressive dogs a voice.  A life. A love story.
We have placed more than 50 dogs in loving, forever homes since mid May of this year.
My First Rescue Experience:

Breed: Full blood boxer
Gender: Female

She was at a local high kill animal shelter.  She was so scared, shaking, losing weight. I contacted Minnesota Boxer Rescue who were thrilled to accept her into their program. Luxe lived with me for just 3 days - but I fell in love with her big brown eyes and trusting, forgiving spirit. I watched her drive off into her future with a dog transportation team of volunteers with tears streaming down my face. It broke my Heart to let that sweet girl leave my Life.  

 "I realized that fostering a dog and preparing it for their forever home with love, kindness, respect... Is the most rewarding thing I have ever done."

I have fostered 7 sweet souls since that time.

My Permanent Furry Friends:
Breed: Havanese
Age: 2 

Breed: Maltese/Poodle
Age: 5