April S.

Position: Co-Founder of ODTR

My Background:

I have two children and they are Tasha and Aneka. I'm a grandmother of five and they all are such a blessing to my life.

Why I Decided On Rescuing:

I started ODTR to help place and foster unwanted shelter dogs. I try and help by giving them time to adjust to living in a new home. 

Rescue is so very important in my life, because a lot of shelters don't go the extra mile to place "hard to place" dogs. The easy ones move, and the difficult dogs are euthanized. 

That's just how it goes in other shelters. THIS is what we are trying to stop with ODTR. Every dog is worth a chance.

My First Rescue Experience:
Ive been rescuing animals my whole life.  

Recently, I was fostering pitbulls from the local shelter, found homes for all of them and kept one for myself, Jackson.
My Permanent furry Friends:
Breed: Pitbull
Breed: Mix
Breed: Pitbull

"Pitbulls are the best dogs in the world!"