April S.

Position: Co-Founder of ODTR

My Background:

I have two children and they are Tasha and Aneka. I'm a grandmother of five and they all are such a blessing to my life.

Why I Decided On Rescuing:

I started ODTR to help place and foster unwanted shelter dogs. I try and help by giving them time to adjust to living in a new home. 

Rescue is so very important in my life, because a lot of shelters don't go the extra mile to place "hard to place" dogs. The easy ones move, and the difficult dogs are euthanized. 

That's just how it goes in other shelters. THIS is what we are trying to stop with ODTR. Every dog is worth a chance.

My First Rescue Experience:
Ive been rescuing animals my whole life.  

Recently, I was fostering pitbulls from the local shelter, found homes for all of them and kept one for myself, Jackson.
My Permanent furry Friends:
Breed: Pitbull
Breed: Mix
Breed: Pitbull

"Pitbulls are the best dogs in the world!"

Julie S.

Position: Co-founder and President

My Background:

I have a wonderful husband named Kevin. He has supported me while fostering all of the dogs we have taken in. I have three children, Anthony who is 25, Sarah who write this blog and she is 20 and my youngest Chase and he's 19. My life so far has been very blessed.

Why I Decided On Rescuing:

I started this journey because I saw up close how dogs are thrown away in this society. And without a voice they die for the sole reason: no one loved them. 
I have made it my mission to give the homeless, healthy, non aggressive dogs a voice.  A life. A love story.
We have placed more than 50 dogs in loving, forever homes since mid May of this year.
My First Rescue Experience:

Breed: Full blood boxer
Gender: Female

She was at a local high kill animal shelter.  She was so scared, shaking, losing weight. I contacted Minnesota Boxer Rescue who were thrilled to accept her into their program. Luxe lived with me for just 3 days - but I fell in love with her big brown eyes and trusting, forgiving spirit. I watched her drive off into her future with a dog transportation team of volunteers with tears streaming down my face. It broke my Heart to let that sweet girl leave my Life.  

 "I realized that fostering a dog and preparing it for their forever home with love, kindness, respect... Is the most rewarding thing I have ever done."

I have fostered 7 sweet souls since that time.

My Permanent Furry Friends:
Breed: Havanese
Age: 2 

Breed: Maltese/Poodle
Age: 5

Me: Sarah S.

Position: Blog Writer

My First Rescue Experience:


I have currently saved three kittens myself. 

Although I didn't save my kittens from a high kill shelter or even from a shelter at all, I still feel I made a difference.

Before I started school I was a nanny. The people I babysat for had a cat who was pregnant. They did not want these kittens and so I told them I would take them. When the time came I finally did.

A Note From The Author:

These dogs deserve to have there voice's heard. I write in a unique way to make it look as if they are writing the letter themselves. I try to put as much of there personality I can in these letters. I want you to be able to look through these dogs eyes, and want to make a difference in there lives. I want you to look at these dogs,  read there stories and say

"you are so worth the love and devotion. 
You are worth the chance." 

I believe every dog is special and just needs someone to love. These women who work with these dogs are so special. They have so much love in their hearts and want to make a difference. It wasn't a easy process for them but they have made a difference and I couldn't be more proud! Which is why I made this blog **hint hint** and also I want to feel I am helping in some way even if I can't foster anymore animals myself.

Suzanne A.

Position: Adoption Coordinator

My First Rescue Experience:

My family has currently saved three dogs from being put down by local animal shelters.

It is such a rewarding experience to know that our rescue is working to pull dogs from shelters and give them a second chance at life. 
Reading the updates the adoptive families send us on the dogs we have placed always brings tears to my eyes. I can't think of a better way I would rather spend my time and resources.  
My Permanent furry friends:

"The best dogs ever are shelter dogs, it's like they know you have given them a second chance."

Age: 3 years old
Breed: Retriever Mix

Age: 3 years old
Breed: Boxer mix
Age: 6 months old
Breed: Australian Shepard Mix

Shelly B.

Position: Adoption Coordinator

My First Rescue Experience: 

Gender: Female
Age: 3 years old 
Weight: 8.6 pounds
Breed: Terrier/Pomeranian mix

Rosie had been severely abused. 
She was tied up outside for hours at a time with no shelter and had been sunburned while sitting outside. She lived most days in her crate and in her own urine and fecis. She had also been nearly eaten alive by fleas. 

She was part of the first meet and greet adoption event at the "Big R" on October 10, 2010. 

She was very stressed and had a very hard time at that event, but we stuck it out.  I took her to get her routine shots, just a few days after that event. We had an applicant that I thought might be a good home for her.  The vet tech thought she might have mange (a class of persistent contagious skin diseases caused by parasitic mites), so we immediately put her on hold. We went sure because Doctor B was not in the office when we went in for her vet visit  Only a week into foster care, and this poor baby girl had already been through so much!
We drove back to Nappanee IN, and I called Julie, and said   

"let me keep her, and I'll pay for all her vet bills. I guarantee you that she will have the best of care for the rest of her life" 

After we drove back to Doctor B's office in Syracuse IN. Rosie had been diagnosed with Seborrhea, and with severe flea allergies.  Julie, of course made sure I'd continue to foster if she allowed me to keep Rosie and of course, I said I would. After thinking about it for a few short hours, Julie emailed me and said, "congrats, it's an itchy, stinky girl, she's yours"